There are many different types of leave that employees can request, from federal leave entitlements ...

The Pulpstream Platform

Your human resources team is responsible for a wide range of time-consuming manual tasks, as well as...

Fielding employee leave requests, tracking Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, and handling o...

With several different types of leave to keep track of, and with rules around paid time off (PTO) ch...

In business, a data silo may sound like a good thing at first. Just like agricultural silos protect ...
Terms like operational efficiency, productivity, and sustainability often get thrown around as thing...

Document creation and formatting can be one of the most time-consuming steps in any business workflo...

Providing a seamless digital experience isn’t just a necessity for SaaS and e-commerce businesses. E...

Digitization and digitalization may sound similar, but they refer to two different concepts. One is ...

Efficiency is one of the most important things to consider when running a business, but what counts ...

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